"All Puffed Up" Kitties
12" x 12"
#AK92 - $8.95
"Mini Puffs" Cat & Dog
10" x 10" cat & dog
#MD102 $8.95
"All Puffed Up" Santa
13" x 13"
#AS90 $8.95
"All Puffed Up" Snowman
12" x 14"
#AN89 - $8.95
"Mini Puffs" Santa & Snowman
10" x 12" Jolly Pals
#MS98 - $8.95
"Mini Puffs" Cluck, Oink & Moo
10" x 10" Hen, Pig & Cow
#MO99 $8.95
"All Puffed Up" Bunny
12" x 14"
#AB91 - $8.95
"Mini Puffs" Bud & Bunny
10" x 10" Frog & bunny
#MB106 - $8.95
"All Puffed Up" with Pride
13" x 14" Fun to make Uncle Sam, Fireman & Policeman
#AP95 $8.95